- Facebook: Rocio Language Classes
- Twitter: @rlschool
- Spanisch Aktiv:Aprenda Español en Alemania con Spanisch Aktiv
- Ave Nicaraguita: Spanish courses & volunteering opportunities in Granada Nicaragua
www.solexico.com Spanish in Mexico Soléxico Language and Cultural Centers provide students with the best opportunity to learn Spanish in Mexico.
www.asi-spanish.com - Spanisch lernen in München :Wir bieten Gruppen-, Privat- und Firmenkurse an. Alle unsere Lehrer sind Muttersprachler mit Studium. Paar- und Studentenermäßigung
- Links-Abroad.COM. Language Directory:Links-Abroad.com is a comprehensive directory of study abroad programs worldwide, organized by destinations in four specific type of programs: Academic Year and Semester programs, Summer programs, Intensive Language programs, and Volunteer and Internships opportunities.
- 123 Guide of Languages:Your guide to choose language schools around the world.
- Lonelyplanet: One of the Best Source ifnformation for traveling in the web
- www.vivatravelguides.com
- Saexplorers:Everything for the independent traveller in South America
- Club Internacional:Deportes, sports, Sportverein
- Conde de Lemos , Hotel en Puno
- Delikatissimo Peru Lebensmittel in Deutschland
Centros Culturales e Información importante de Arequipa
http://www.cmac-arequipa.com.pe/PDF/Arequipa.pdf Information about Arequipa.
- www.sieteesquinas.com Cultural Information about Arequipa
- www.aqpcultural.org
http://www.cultural.edu.pe/mvia/index.php/es/cultura Agenda del Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano
http://arequipa.alianzafrancesa.org.pe/ Alianza Francesa
www.institutoitaloperuano.com Instituto Cultural Italo Peruano
www.unsa.edu.pe Universidad Nacional de San Agustin
www.muniarequipa.gob.pe Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
www.asimtria.org Concerts and performances
- www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001035293217&ref=ts taller galeria Tambo de Bronce